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December 2022

Content marketing management: A complete guide for agencies

Content marketing is a powerful force for generating leads and growing revenue, so it’s no wonder that 97% of businesses with established marketing efforts are also engaged in content marketing. Still, it’s one thing to do content marketing. It’s another to truly succeed with it. Many creative agencies are already engaged in content marketing, but their efforts aren’t as organized as they might like.

The Teamwork guide to software development project management

No matter the size of your software development team, there are bound to be many moving parts with any new software project. The margin for error with a software development project is minuscule — even the smallest mistakes can cost your business a lot of money. More than ever, implementing project management into your software development process is key to getting everybody on the same page while minimizing errors and keeping projects on schedule.

9 social media projects tips to bolster your marketing efforts

Marketing is a challenging game. It’s tough enough to plan a social media project for one company. If you’re an agency? Well, get ready to polish your juggling skills because you’ll be keeping lots of balls in the air. Actually, social media project planning and management doesn’t have to be a juggling act. What you need is a solid strategy to plan and execute campaigns, plus software that helps with both planning and execution stages.

Social media project management: Strategies and processes to crush your content creation

Managing your brand’s presence across social media platforms is tough. But bringing successful social media strategies to fruition? That's even harder. Social media project managers have a difficult job, no doubt about that — but if you’re using the right workflows and strategies for content creation, you’ll be able to rule social networks with content that draws leads in droves.

Project cost tracking: 8 steps for tracking costs and expenses

The importance of containing costs and staying within budget cannot be overstated in today's tight business landscape. Now consider that just 43% of organizations report “mostly or always” completing projects on budget. That means a whopping 57% of organizations routinely come in over budget on projects. If your business is part of that percentage, then you know that it can wreak havoc on your company's financial health. Enter cost tracking.

Content workflow software: Powerful tools for content production

Ready to focus on content creation as part of your agency's marketing strategy? You're not alone. The Content Marketing Institute finds that 66% of marketers expect their content marketing budget to increase in 2022. After all, great content can increase brand awareness, generate new leads, and boost overall engagement — all while remaining a relatively cost-effective marketing tool.

What is resource utilization? Formulas, techniques, and benefits

A large part of project management is ensuring that your team has the time and resources needed to complete jobs on time. As a project manager, you need to be able to assess the available hours from your team members and check available resources before you put together a project plan. This process is called resource management. Understanding resources is essential for several reasons, and it has a major impact on the billable hours and, therefore, your company's profitability.

Freelance digital marketing: Tips for success

The world of digital marketing is an exciting and expansive one. It moves quickly, and businesses that use it well see an incredible return on their investment. It’s also an industry very friendly to freelancers. Whether you’re an experienced marketer considering stepping away from your in-house employee position or looking to pivot into something new entirely, freelance digital marketing is an attractive option to those with the right creative skills.

The art of the contract renewal: How agencies get clients to say "yes"

While some contracts are in place for an indefinite period of time, others come with a firm expiration date. In the case of the latter, the question arises: what happens when the initial term of a contract expires? A contract renewal can be useful for all stakeholders if both parties agree to continue the relationship. As a final state in the lifecycle of a contract, contract renewal is a critical consideration.