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Automation Delivers Results

Let’s take a look at Automation. Automation reduces workload, improves efficiency, and decreases costs. With the right service management solution like Vivantio, you can manage complex workflows and automate recurring processes within your business, removing the need for manual resources. Many tasks can be automated, from finance and HR management to project management, team collaboration and reporting. Watch the video to learn more.

How To Get Consulting Clients (FAQs 2022)

Do you know how to get consulting clients? If you want to know how to get business consulting clients, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we will break down all you need to know about building a consulting client base. With a range of marketing channels at your disposal, there’s no shortage of ways to get consulting clients for your business. Let’s dive straight in. ‍

Defining Your IT Security Perimeter

It wasn’t too long ago that a security system would be nothing more than a few walls, some cameras, and an inattentive security guard. That’s no longer the case In today’s digital landscape. Now organizations must invest in securing their assets from a growing number of cyberthreats. To start, they must first draw up the boundaries of their IT security perimeter.

Automation Delivers Results

Let’s take a look at Automation. Automation reduces workload, improves efficiency, and decreases costs. With the right service management solution like Vivantio, you can manage complex workflows and automate recurring processes within your business, removing the need for manual resources. Many tasks can be automated, from finance and HR management to project management, team collaboration and reporting. Watch the video to learn more.

Knowledge Base Mistakes (And How to Spot Them)

We’ve been pretty enthusiastic about teaching you how to create a solid knowledge base. Yet knowledge base mistakes are still very common despite our best attempts to crush them into oblivion. This article is here to help you avoid those pesky sandtraps. According to an IDC survey, Fortune 500 companies lose a staggering $31.5bn yearly from knowledge base mistakes alone. Or, in other words, companies lose money from their inability to effectively share knowledge.

What Is A Business Advisor?

Do you possess valuable insights from your experience leading teams and running operations? You can use these to inspire and motivate leaders - with less experience - as they embark on growing their businesses. A business advisor can play a pivotal role in positively impacting the trajectory of a business by using their experience to provide informed opinions and offer advice.

6 Tips on How to Run Your CAB Like A Boss

The change advisory board (CAB) can be one of the most important and useful meetings a service-oriented IT organization holds. It sets out a view of what’s happening to key services over the next week (or longer depending on its frequency and timeframe), confirms the impact to the business, reviews previous change activity, and looks at continual service improvement (CSI).

Consulting Business Models (3 Potential Paths)

Consulting business models can make or break the success of firms. Before you decide on a business model for your consulting firm, consider the following questions: The right professional services business model will support scalability and profitability. If you're actively considering business consulting models and find yourself at a crossroads, this is the perfect article for you to read. A consulting firm's business model can determine the trajectory of the organization.

How to Build a Culture of Cybersecurity in Your Company

It's been a crazy couple of years, and things are still changing rapidly all around us. But you don't need me to tell you that; you're probably living it in your organization already. In the IT sector, we've gone through a global chip shortage, the postponement of major tech events, the delay of product launches, and perhaps most importantly, almost all companies shifted almost completely to remote work.