Basecamp Office Hours | February 1, 2023
In this Basecamp Office Hours session (recorded live on February 1, 2023), Ashley, Laura and Kimberly from the Basecamp Customer Success team demo the Basecamp project management software, share best practices, and answer customer questions live.
00:00 - Introduction
02:55 - Best practices for working on multiple projects with multiple clients
06:30 - How do I set privacy settings on projects? How do I work with clients and outside vendors?
08:49 - How do I make a to-do list private?
09:07 - What does email forwarding do and how does it work?
12:18 - When using the Schedule tool, can you create dependencies?
14:39 - How to use the scheduling function and using it to track content schedules.
17:54 - Linking documents within Card Table
20:00 - Reporting
22:02 - How do you set up multiple schedules?
24:39 - Sharing a document with someone outside of Basecamp
26:49 - Best way to view all to-dos (no matter who they're assigned to) and scheduled events in one view for a project or account?
29:03 - Recommended third-party plugins, for things such as Gantt charts
30:41 - Doors feature
34:14 - Do you have to be an admin to open a Door?
35:08 - Privacy settings of projects and working with clients and outside vendors.
35:58 - Just Following a project. Is there any way to set up a project where they can follow but not be able to edit?
37:23 - Can you explain the Lineup tool?
39:44 - New feature: Message scheduling
41:53 - How do we find out about Office Hours?
Links mentioned in the video:
🔗 Working with Clients:
🔗 Email Forwards:
🔗 Schedule tool:
🔗 Reports:
🔗 Customizing Project Tools:
🔗 Sharing Items with Others:
🔗 3rd-Party Plug-Ins:
🔗 Doors:
🔗 Permissions:
🔗 The Lineup:
🔗 Message Scheduling: