Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2021

Product Hunt Launch | Troy Goode | | Wuphf 2.0

The rest of the Courier team and I have been building an exciting new way to design, send, and monitor all of your app's user notifications. As you may have heard in my video above, we understand that notifications are difficult to get right. So much so that most of us aren't excited about receiving many of them.

Who Knew Email Subjects Are So Complicated

Did you know that email subjects, by default, only support 127 characters?! I didn’t, and I ran into a “fun” puzzle of a problem earlier this year when a client of ours noticed a problem with Courier-built emails in Microsoft Outlook. Small rendering issues and bugs like this can give the wrong impression to a recipient of an email. It can make the end user feel the product they are using is poorly planned or not tested.

From MVP to Production Ready With Serverless

Having been at startups my entire career, I’ve encountered the dichotomy between speed and scale when building software products.The usual attitude entrepreneurs take when building the first iterations of their products is “...we aren’t anywhere close to facing problems of scale, so let’s worry about that when we get there.” This first version of the software is built and shipped fast, and it’s only a matter of time before engineers realize that they simply don&#8217

What is Courier | 30 Second Pitch | CodeStory S4E13 | Troy Goode | Notifications | multi-channel

Courier is the fastest way to design your notifications once and deliver them through push notifications, direct messages like Slack and Facebook Messenger, SMS, and email–with a single Courier API rather than having to integrate each provider API separately.