There is a common debate about whether or not remote teams are more productive than employees working together in a traditional office setting. Based on a few recent studies, this debate might be put to rest once and for all. According to Apollo Technical, people who work from home are 47% more productive. Although this statistic is quite impressive, it does not mean productivity comes easy for every remote team.
Imagine you have a great idea and a fantastic team to execute it. You are working hard to get returns for all your efforts, but that’s not working. Don’t worry! Just read along to wake up to your dream goal, streamline your workflows, and skyrocket conversions without working longer hours. Let’s go!
Building a positive work environment and a thriving company culture should be one of your main aims as a leader. This becomes even more important when you’re dealing with a remote team and want to make sure everyone is still included. Creating a positive work environment and a strong team can mean many things. It could include giving your team regular breaks (to let them play a cheeky round of lucky pharaoh) or organizing social activities. Improving work morale is also great for your business.
The term “work from home” isn’t something new. Yet, it has come under highlight as the coronavirus pandemic kept billions homebound. Now, as vaccines kick in, companies find themselves experimenting with various options, including the hybrid work model. Even before the pandemic, various businesses find new challenges arising this century. Some examples include technology disruptors forcing companies to rework entire business models and the increasing risk of data theft.