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August 2022

12 Best Formstack Alternatives Of 2022 (Free + Paid)

Before investing in any software tool for your business, you must explore various alternative options in the market. Having a look at different alternatives gives you an idea of whether investing in the tool is worth it or if there are better options available. This goes for all software solutions, including Formstack. Formstack is a well-known and reliable tool trusted by over 25,000 organizations, including startups and Fortune 500 companies.

Why Is Project Prioritization Matrix Important To Agile Teams?

Project management is a tricky business. Even with abundant resources and a good team, executing a project without a sound and relevant workflow design is the perfect recipe for failure. In contrast, good and practical project management almost always pays off. It is a curious case as to what exactly makes a good and practical managing style excellent and valuable. Is it the team or perhaps the vision?

Product Delivery Strategy Guide For Project Managers

Business goals are always fixed by the level of your ability to plan the marketing strategy. No matter how useful your product is, if you don’t have an effective product strategy it will eventually lead you to a filled warehouse and zero revenue. It is pointless to implement various strategies in today’s world and environment without first understanding their effects and advantages.

What is Backlog Grooming & How to optimize Team Performance with Backlog Management?

Product development teams, whether using Scrum or Kanban, require a range of tools to be productive. That is the goal of backlog grooming: to maintain product development systematized and seamless. Below, we dig deep into the strategy’s benefits and best practices, including how to execute successful backlog refinement meetings to guarantee a strong product team. Continue reading to improve team structure and meeting activities.