How to put your OneDesk customer portal on your own domain
If you are wondering if you can host your OneDesk customer portal, or other customer app, on your own domain, the answer is YES. Here’s how it is done.
If you are wondering if you can host your OneDesk customer portal, or other customer app, on your own domain, the answer is YES. Here’s how it is done.
The million dollar question ? "Encryption" is a term used sporadically and often open to interpretation. To better understand what end-to-end encryption is we have created this little example to highlight why end-to-end encryption is radically different to encryption at rest, or in transit.
Great companies have always cared about their customers. When a customer pays for a service or offering, it’s up to the company to make sure what they paid for meets their needs. In the past, this may have meant a follow-up call or two, and then the company moved on. However, as the B2B customer experience evolved, a single phone call is no longer good enough. Now, companies have entire “customer success” teams that focus solely on ensuring the customer is happy and remains that way.
As a support professional, writing is core to the job. For many organizations, it’s the only way we communicate and connect with our users on a 1-on-1 basis.
For most Product Managers the roadmap is a classic double-edged sword. On the one hand it provides a valuable and welcome opportunity to focus your product vision and share it with colleagues, managers and customers. But all too often the process of creating, presenting and retaining a roadmap quickly evolves into an unavoidable headache.
Because of the hefty amount of data that are there without any practical use. Think of data as the collection of our consciousness. Similar to how consciousness helps us make clear decisions in our day-to-day life, ultimately the data-backed decisions will help us make things right. With data comes wisdom, the epiphany about things we were missing out on, these many years.
We released Zulip Server 2.0.5 today. This is a security release, containing a handful of cherry-picked changes since Zulip 2.0.4.
A recent update to OneDesk added a much-requested feature: Recurring Tasks Does your team have a standard meeting every Monday at 10AM? Now you can create this task or any other recurring task with just a few clicks. Here’s how it works.
With its unique ability to connect people experiencing the ins and outs of a product every day, an engaged user community is becoming essential when scaling support. This was the case at InVision, a digital product design platform allowing businesses like Adobe, Uber, and Evernote to collaborate more easily on product development.
For millions of Birchbox customers, there’s nothing quite like that moment when they crack open their personalized package of beauty products. And whether members are discovering the perfect color lipstick, lathering up great-smelling shaving cream, or calling customer support to resolve a billing issue, we want every interaction to be as personal and satisfying as opening that box each month.