Jenny Plant: Great Sales and Great PM - Can One Person Do It All?

Jenny Plant: Great Sales and Great PM - Can One Person Do It All?

Aug 12, 2024

Part of the remit of an ops leader is to ensure they’ve got the right people, in the right place.

In many agencies, account managers handle sales, client relationships, AND project management. However, this hybrid role often leads to trade-offs.

Everyone’s got their own strengths and preferences – and these responsibilities seemingly require very different personality types.

A great sales person might struggle with rigorous project management, resulting in issues like over-servicing. While an exceptional project manager might struggle with developing a sales pipeline, leading to stress, missed targets, and a shallow pipeline.

So, should these roles be separated?

We'll explore this with our guest, Jenny Plant. With over 20 years of experience in agency account management, Jenny founded her consultancy, Account Management Skills, to share sales training skills with account managers.

Jenny will share:
The pros and cons of separating account and project managers
What value agencies seek in their account managers
How sales training can improve client relationships, retention and business growth

Jenny's website:

Creative Agency Account Management Podcast:

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