Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

November 2021

Workplace communication: what happens when you get it right

Workplace communication isn’t something that companies master by default. In fact, it’s much easier to get it wrong than getting it right. Luckily, organizations realize in more significant numbers than ever that their workplace communication can cause larger issues. These could be built up stress, losses in productivity, and a lack of trust among coworkers.

IN THE DARK: How To Prepare Your Customer Service For The Next Facebook & WhatsApp Outage

On October 5th, the world went silent for 6 hours. 🤐 The world’s top 3 social media and communications platforms were shut down completely. Suddenly, we couldn’t reach ANYONE! WE WERE CUT OFF FROM THE WORLD. What did this mean for customer support teams? Since the main reasons why customers contact businesses on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are sales and customer service, it is inevitable that organizations across the world lost money during the outage.

6 steps to effective collaboration in the workplace

Effective collaboration in the workplace is something that all employers strive for. Not only is it a great way to make employees feel more connected to their organizations, but it is also a powerful tool to increase the overall quality of end-products and services. However, many organizations still haven’t unlocked the full power of team collaboration. And this is no wonder since effective collaboration calls for thoughtful leadership, good communication, and other important factors.

5 benefits of optimized business communication

Communication, communication, communication: so much of our lives revolve around it. It’s no different in the business world. Organizations need to effectively communicate with their customers and partners to excel at what they do. But first, business communication within the company needs to be efficient to increase employees’ productivity and engagement. With hybrid work models being implemented across the board, the way we communicate at work has also changed.

Node.js VM - Isolating our Apps from the Core Engine

As a JavaScript developer, one might know that Node.js is built on top of Chrome’s V8 Engine, giving us a way to run a JS program extremely fast by compiling it to machine code directly. This in a way gives V8 the role of an Operating System, running on top of your OS, similar to how you might imagine a Virtual Machine running.