Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

September 2024

How AI in cyber defense is revolutionizing communication platforms?

The risk of cyber attacks is continually soaring. The number of data breaches between 2021 and 2023 grew by 72%, surpassing previous records. Communication platforms used by businesses for workplace communication are particularly at risk. Also, breaches of shared confidential data lead to substantial financial losses and damage to a company's reputation. ‍For instance, the global indicator 'Estimated Cost of Cybercrime' was forecast to increase by $ 6.4 trillion between 2024 and 2029.

Is citizen engagement necessary for democracy to function?

‍ Democracy is often described as "of the people, by the people, and for the people." But what happens when the people aren't at the table? Yes, we are referring to the lack of citizen engagement in a democracy. The active participation of individuals in government decision-making is the backbone of a healthy democracy. When citizens are involved in the process, they're more likely to trust the outcome.

Top 5 healthcare communication software to consider

‍ In healthcare, every second counts. Therefore, secure and reliable communication between the medical teams, patients, and support staff is compulsory. Healthcare communication software has done a lot to develop communication between all stakeholders in the field of medical treatment. Patients also favor healthcare providers who offer robust digital communication and services due to the added convenience.