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10 signs of deadline-driven development

It’s fashionable in the tech world to say that you’re cool with failing. But failure leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The only way to get it out is to prove you’ve learned from your mistake. In that spirit, I recently kicked off a discussion amongst the engineering teams at Atlassian about setting deadlines for the sake of deadlines and, worse, prioritizing that deadline above customer value or the overall health of your product (and team, for that matter).

Overview of Advanced Roadmaps UI - Demo Den - Sep 2020

Rhys Christian, a Product Manager on the Advanced Roadmaps team, gives an overview of the new Advanced Roadmaps planning interface for Jira Premium users. Check out this demo to learn more about the main sections of a plan, how to configure the view for your needs, and a brief look into scheduling the Roadmap.

The changemaker's guide to pitching your project idea

This is it! This is the project you’ve been waiting for. The one that’s going to define your career and challenge you and totally transform “the way things are done around here.” The project your team will point to five years from now as the inflection point that ushered in a new era of awesome. If, that is, you can get the project approved, prioritized, and properly resourced.

How to automate across Jira & Gitlab (Cloud)

We recently released new Jira automation triggers that allow you to automate your work directly from Gitlab (and BitBucket, Github) to Jira Cloud. Now Devs can focus on code instead of switching context and project owners will know Jira is always up to date. In this webinar, co-hosted with Gitlab, learn four use cases to help get you started.

Design thinking is the low-pressure way to figure out your career (and life)

The one I’m talking about was a meeting with my boss in one of those conference rooms with clear walls, like a fishbowl, when she told me I didn’t get promoted. I’d had a fun, intense, wild ride working at a late-stage startup. But three years later, I felt like a shell of a person. I was commuting ninety minutes each way to work. I was feeling uninspired, dreading the relentless marketing campaign cycles that at one time were exciting.

How to be a successful project owner (without micromanaging)

We’ve all been on two types of projects: ones that ran smoothly, and ones that crumbled to pieces. While there are lots of contributing factors in each case, I’ll go out on a limb and say that project ownership (or lack thereof) is what makes the biggest difference.