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Create an Automated Notification System Using Python and Courier

Product notifications keep users engaged and informed about important updates related to web and mobile applications. However, building an effective notification system for your app that sends timely and personalized messages can be challenging. Courier's development platform for notifications simplifies this process by consolidating various communication APIs, data, and development tools in one place.

Automate Slack and Microsoft Teams Notifications using Python

Messaging apps are essential for internal collaboration and critical notifications such as reminders, alerts, and other time-sensitive updates. While integrating with the Slack and Microsoft APIs is fairly straightforward, implementing these tools as a part of a full-featured notification system that embeds with your app experience can be far more daunting.

Three Ways to Send Emails Using Python With Code Tutorials

For software products of every scale, emails are the de facto standard for notifying your users. It’s a fast, cost-effective, and readily accessible channel for reaching your users, especially if you’re sending transactional emails or generating event-driven alerts. In this post, I’ll go over three ways to send emails with Python. Apps can leverage Python for sending emails for an array of use cases.

Greg Price - Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox - PyCon 2018

Python now offers static types! Companies like Dropbox and Facebook, and open-source projects like Zulip, use static types (with PEP 484 and mypy) to make Python more productive and fun to work with — in existing codebases from 40k lines to 4 million, in Python 2 and 3, and while preserving the conciseness and flexibility that make Python a great language in the first place. I’ll describe how.

Static types in Python, oh my(py)!

Over the last few years, static type checkers have become available for popular dynamic languages like PHP (Hack) and JavaScript (Flow and TypeScript), and have seen wide adoption. Two years ago, a provisional syntax for static type annotations was added to Python 3. However, static types in Python have yet to be widely adopted, because the tool for checking the type annotations, mypy, was not ready for production use… until now!