Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Invest in winning ideas with assumption mapping

A healthcare tech team has an exciting new idea. They see an opportunity to integrate new app features that support patient care beyond telemedicine appointments, like how-to videos for home exercise programs prescribed by physical therapists and detailed dietary guidelines from nutritionists. So they send out user surveys and develop a beta version for early adopters, who enjoy the new additions. But when they roll out the final version, it’s a flop. What happened?

Essential Productivity Metrics to Streamline Your Retail Operations

Explore the power of Insightful PC monitor software in enhancing key productivity metrics in retail. Learn how real-time data and comprehensive reporting can streamline operations, track time worked, boost growth, and improve customer experiences.

Localizing Your Digital Footprint: The Intersection Between Messaging Apps and Market Penetration

Did you know that 97% of people learn more about a local company online than they do by simply strolling around the neighborhood? So, if you want to connect with your customers, you need to find a way to cut through the digital noise and catch their attention. The good news is that you have one powerful advantage - your geographical location. You are physically closer to your possible customers, and you can use localization to bring them over the threshold.

Get Agency Employees to ACTUALLY Track Their Time w/ Deb Andrews

How can you get your team to track their time, let alone do it accurately? That's a question that we've heard so many times from agency leaders, and it's one that many struggle to answer effectively. Deb Andrews, Owner of Marketri, a successful marketing agency with nearly 20 years in business, says it all comes down to 4 P's that help you explain the WHY of time-tracking to your team.

What is professional development? 5 types plus practical tips for team leaders

A lot is said about the disruptive potential of new technology like AI and remote working tools. As an organizational leader, this might have you focused on tech investments in 2024. That’s good. Keeping up with technology ensures your business can deliver what customers expect in terms of speed, service and scale. But there’s one thing you can’t afford to overlook in digital transformation: the importance of good people.

Absence Management Policy & How To Create One? Guide

An absence management policy is a set of guidelines and procedures implemented by an organization to effectively manage employee absences. This policy outlines the procedures for reporting and managing various types of absences, including sick leave, vacation time, personal leave, and other types of time off. Employee absence can really hurt how much work gets done, how well customers are helped, and how safe the workplace is.

Azure DevOps Integration: Add a Help Desk to Your Software Development Tool

Azure DevOps enables teams to work efficiently together in software development. When combined with InvGate Service Desk, these collaboration capabilities go one step further. The InvGate Service Desk and Azure DevOps integration allows you to link your Azure DevOps Work Items – used to track features, requirements, code bugs, and project development issues – to InvGate Service Desk requests. Once it's set up, authorized users will be able to see the following information in the service desk request.

What Are Teams Attendance Reports? Best Teams Attendance Report Software | Top 15 Picks

Are you tired of struggling with attendance issues at your workplace? This article will discuss the top 15 best teams attendance report software options for your small business. Team attendance report isn’t just another piece of software; it’s a game-changer for both employers and employees because they: Issues tackled by detailed team attendance reports are.

Top 7 Strategies For Effective Communication In Retail Industry

Effective communication is essential for smooth operations, team cohesion, and customer satisfaction. The retail industry may face communication challenges due to its dynamic nature and diverse workforce. These challenges can include: However, implementing some or all of the strategies highlighted in this article will benefit communications between your employees and customers, your employees and their colleagues, and your employees and those in the head office.

How Businesses Can Leverage AI to Automate Their Workflows

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent, offering a multitude of opportunities for workflow automation. Let's delve into ten specific ways in which businesses can harness AI to streamline their operations effectively.