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Customer Service Trends in 2022

With 92% of consumers expecting to continue to contact customer service at or above pandemic-era rates, we are facing a future where companies that aren’t customer-centric will have a hard time surviving. This is why companies must keep up with customer service trends so that they’re able to cater to these evolving customer needs.

How to Create the Ideal Shift Schedule (Free Template Included)

A well-thought-out shift schedule can be your competitive advantage, especially in industries that need to operate 24/7, like healthcare and law enforcement, and in companies that need to offer round-the-clock support. Not only will a customer service representative’s shift schedule impact their overall mental and physical health, they also disrupt sleeping patterns – which can affect an employee’s energy and durability.

How to Win Back Frustrated and Unhappy Customers

No matter how great your products or services are, some customers are bound to run into problems. That’s an unavoidable truth of business — but you can still avoid losing unhappy customers by dealing with them in the right way. Interactions with your support team can make all the difference in how your unhappy customers behave. A negative interaction could lead them to write off your company forever, while a positive one could convert them into a loyal customer for life.

7 Customer Journey Map Examples Across Industries

If you’re an avid Agatha Christie fan, you’ll notice the rough sketches and maps that the author adds to recreate the murder scenes. The courtyard, bedrooms, and living room are all mapped to help the reader visually reconstruct the happenings of the ominous day. The author is also content, knowing that the readers are in step with her as she takes them along the journey to solve the mystery.

10 Best Customer Onboarding Strategies for SaaS Businesses

It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that a positive customer onboarding experience ensures that your customers feel like they made the right choice by picking your product or service from the first moment they start using it. It also, eventually, helps you retain them. But what does customer onboarding mean, and what are the must-have strategies to make the process hassle-free for your prospects and customers? Read on.

Customer Support vs Customer Success: The Verdict is Out

Customer support vs customer success – two terms that have been seen as the same function in some companies, while also operating as completely separate groups within others. While customer support is key to solving customer problems and producing great experiences, customer success is responsible for empowering customers, keeping them happy on your platform/ through your services, and bringing them back for more.

The Importance of a Customer-Focused Culture

As Kelly Uhlrich, Vice President and General Manager of CX company Humach, explains, “the proper focus and investment of time and budget requires a more strategic approach. It’s not a marketing problem or a technology initiative.” Authentic customer-focused culture is far more exhaustive than just researching your customer experience or observing a segment of your market.

3 Customer Service Career Paths You Should Know About

Customer service has grown to become a critical function across industries including airlines, software companies, retail, and even real estate companies. Because of this, a career in customer service is growing in popularity, while companies and individual employers continue to struggle with scaling their support teams as their business grows.

7 Chatbot Features That Make Your Bot a Success

When chatbots were first introduced in customer support, they were only capable of executing rule-based commands that often led to poor customer experiences. Chatbot features back then weren’t developed keeping user experience in mind, and caused frustration instead of offering solutions. Chatbots have evolved over time, but so have customer expectations. Customers today do not accept experiences that are less than ideal.

What is Customer Lifecycle Management?

When you have access to customer data for every stage in the buyer journey, you are able to manage your customer lifecycle better. Therefore, it is important for you to understand the key difference between the buyer journey and the customer lifecycle, so that you can cater to your customer pain points and deliver a positive customer experience every single time.