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Is IT Prepared for a Hybrid Remote Workplace Environment?

Return to work is happening. After working remotely from home for months due to Covid, companies are now offering employees the option to return to their workplace. In a survey done by Google, 62% of its workers would like to return to the office at some point and see their work future as more flexible. This sentiment is catching up among the rest of the enterprises in Silicon Valley and the rest of America. The hybrid remote workplace model continues to be appreciated by employees seeking to spend more time with family and engaging with the office community.

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Requirements for Branch Office Network Monitoring

For the past 15 years, there's been a shift in how people work, where they work from and how they connect to "work". Employees are no longer tethered to headquarters, their offices or tied to slower complicated VPN services. Additionally, the way people work and where they work from has changed. Along with flexible work hours, employees want workplace flexibility. And with such a competitive job market, employers have to deliver! Flexible work environments offer tremendous benefits such as improved productivity and morale, reduced stress levels and better work-life balance which builds trust and commitment.

Use Cases for SaaS Digital Experience Monitoring

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) is a growing practice within IT organizations that provides insight into the factors that make up the overall application User Experience (UX). As systems become more complex, as cloud adoption continues to grow, and IT loses direct control of infrastructure, it becomes both more difficult and more important to capture the overall end-user experience.