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Nifty Tutorial: Task Management

Bring order to your team’s workflow with Nifty Tasks! Tasks can be as simple as a do-item, or a fully rigged out journeys with a description, a due date assigned subtasks, and attached files & docs. Additionally, tasks have a collaborative comment section to consolidate feedback. If you’d like to keep this task private from project Guests, Members, or Admins, simply hit the Hide Task button! And don’t forget to tie a task to a Milestone to automate milestone progress tracking and the impact on greater project objectives!

Nifty Tutorial: Project Milestones

Plan, track, and automate your project's progress and key sprints with Nifty milestones. Creating Project Milestones at the outset of a project gives context to your project's tasks and provides clarity to your current progress. Since visualization is also important, you can use the Swimlane View which intersects milestones with task lists to get a birds-eye view and control over your milestones and tasks.

Stay on top of your workload (and mental health) with a time tracker.

Productivity often feels too much like a fleeting moment than a focused channel. It’s too tempting to open a new browser tab, check your phone, or (if you’re like me) pace madly around your desk in a reluctance to sit still. Capturing that moment of focus and stretching it as far as you can is the key to finding the productivity groove you’re seeking on a daily basis. Easier said than done, right?