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Employee Monitoring

20+ Employee Monitoring Articles You'll Want to Bookmark

Employee monitoring can be a sensitive subject. The idea of being monitored isn’t exactly comforting, even when implemented for the right reasons. That’s why employers and employees need to have an excellent understanding of this practice. We’ve compiled a list of 22 comprehensive employee monitoring articles that answer why employee monitoring is important, what rules you should keep in mind, the best software to use, and a lot more.

Employee Monitoring Trends From 2021 to Watch in 2022

The COVID pandemic was the main reason behind several new workplace trends in 2021, including the increasing popularity of remote work. As a result, implementing modern employee monitoring solutions seemed the best way for companies to monitor remote employees and manage a hybrid workforce. But will the same employee monitoring trends continue in 2022 as well? Or will we see a paradigm shift in how organizations map employee productivity?

Employee Monitoring Statistics Companies Need to Know for 2022

Employee monitoring is a great way to keep your company data safe and ensure compliance, accountability, and productivity among your workforce. However, employee monitoring trends keep changing with changes in technology, work style, and data protection and privacy laws. As a result, every employer should watch key employee monitoring statistics to stay updated on the latest trends. In this article, we’ll share some insightful employee monitoring statistics and trends.

7 Best Time tracking software of 2021 | Apploye

Time Tracking Software helps you to track down the performance time of the employees in an organization. Sound silly? Well, time tracking software can run miles more than what I have just said. Having Time tracking software means you now have far more control over the employees and overall productivity as a business leader. You can see, evaluate, and compare the performances, which will enable you to set a performance benchmark in your organization. That's how you'll achieve growth in the long run.

6 resolutions to increase your hybrid workforce productivity in 2022

Enhancing hybrid workforce productivity has become a major goal for organizations since workforces are opting for opportunities full of flexible working. But why there is so much fuss around increasing productivity and that too for workers who are away?