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Improve workplace relationships using neuroscience

Whether you’re a software developer, a marketer, or the CEO of your own company, collaborating with people is invariably a part of your job description. Many of us have worked with people we don’t agree with or sat through meetings which could have gone better. We may have also observed minor misunderstandings between people, that could have been solved then and there, but rather linger on and have a negative impact on the relationship.

The Project Management Guide for Remote Teams

The end of 2019 was also the beginning of something catastrophic: the COVID-19 pandemic. The global pandemic has been responsible for threatening the economy and triggering debates concerning the second recession of the millennium, and for many organizations, it has also resulted in the immediate shift to remote work.

Working from Home: The Past, Present and Future

For the last five years, I have worked primarily from home. I also worked from home in the 1990s, attitudes and technology have changed a lot in those 25 years. Now, in response to COVID-19, working from home will be different again in the future. This article explores these past, present and future eras of remote work.

From classrooms to meeting rooms: a project management tool for every business

Gone are the days when manufacturing industries, construction and software companies were the only major consumers of project management tools. Every industry has slowly evolved to understand the importance of using a project management methodology to handle all their tasks systemically. ITS, a dental college in Northern India has started managing all their academic activities using Zoho Projects, our project management tool.

Crisis management during COVID-19: How being agile can help save your business

Major crises like our current situation is a real-life test of agility for many of us. As we look around at governments grappling with mitigation and businesses of every size pivoting their strategies, we see all of them dovetail back to this mantra: “Responding to change over following a plan.” While everything may feel hopeless at times, there are also inspiring examples of people and organizations who have shown resourcefulness and resiliency in their responses.

Introducing new and improved Gantt chart in Zoho Projects: an upgraded chart for an elevated experience

With scattered teams across different locations becoming the new normal, project management tools are becoming essential for remote work. At Zoho Projects, we’re always looking for ways to simplify your project management experience. Et voilà! We’ve upgraded and refurbished our Gantt chart feature to include more capabilities, making it easier than ever to work with it. Here’s what you can do with our new Gantt interface.

The 7 Project Manager Personalities: Which One Are You?

With the myriad of project management resources available today to ensure organized and successful project completion, one could argue that the need for a personal touch is obsolete. However, as cloud computing and mobile apps have expanded our horizons for task completion, team work is now more important than ever to connect all the dots.

Introducing the Projects-Sprints integration: Get the best of both worlds

In project management, there is a constant struggle at identifying the best approach for work: the classic Waterfall methodology or the more flexible Agile methodology. It’s hard to find an organization that only follows either one of these. Though there may be scrum purists who would revolt against the idea of integrating Waterfall and Agile approaches, a hybrid process is often what many teams prefer.

Explore, build, sell- Introducing Marketplace for Zoho Projects

If there’s one thing the folks at Zoho Projects have learned all these years, it’s how incredibly diverse you and your companies are. You’ve shown us how creative you can be in the way you use our features and the way you adapt Zoho Projects to fit your teams. We’ve kept this diversity in mind as our product has grown and evolved.