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How Chatbots Improve Customer Experience

What a customer takes home from a brand is the experience it provides. Gartner proved that customer experience is a game-changer for brands. In fact, 81% of companies1 expect to compete on the basis of customer experience in 2019. This head-on competition is driving brands to strengthen their customer experience strategies.

Freshworks Webinar - How to move your CX to the next level in 2019

Colin Shaw talks to Freshworks about how CX statics remain stagnant throughout the industry and why companies should work on changing this instantly. Sharp points, punched with humour and personal stories.Colin Shaw makes for an entertaining and educational listen.

How To Set Up A Stellar Customer Service Strategy Before A New Product Launch

Product launches can be an exciting business. A new offering means another opportunity to win more clients and make more money. Most of all, it means another shot at leaving your personal imprint in your industry. Your pour hours of energy into brainstorming, planning and executing within every segment of your business, from marketing to manufacturing. Before you know it, it’s time to pull the cover and reveal your latest and greatest creation.

Live Chat Support 101

The past two decades have witnessed emails going on to become one of the most preferred modes of contact in customer support. The reason for this newfound affinity was straightforward. They were easy to use, track and respond. Though email support isn’t dead, chat as a support channel has become more engaging and favored among customers in recent times.

5 Ways Analytics Can Improve Your Digital Customer Experience

Customers today are increasingly searching online before making a purchase. In fact, 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design1. Be it a pair of sunglasses or a ticketing software, the first place a customer visits is the brand’s website. Which is why brands have to make sure they offer a great digital customer experience.

How to Provide Quality Customer Service with a Free Ticketing Software

Let me start with a question: How much importance do you give to customer service in your organization that’s just starting up? I ask you this because, although your business might still be young, setting up a system to provide customer service should be a high priority. It has proven that companies with a well-thought-out approach to customer service have a 92% retention rate.

AI Customer Service 101: The Basics of Automation for Customer Service

Many businesses are looking for new ways to incorporate automation into their daily workflows. Though there are many ways to accomplish this, the most widely-discussed option today is artificial intelligence (AI). AI holds a lot of potential for customer service teams and gives them the ability to work more efficiently than ever before.

Common Pain Points Support Agents Face and How to Solve Them Using a Contact Center Software

Though contact centers sport a cheerful vibe, agent turnover is reported to be the number one challenge in contact centers1 across industries. Drilling down on this problem reveals that agents face a number of pain points while working at contact centers that are causing them to leave. Why should this worry you?