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Ticket Management for Dummies: Keeping Tickets Organized Truly Matters

You get a support call escalated to you one minute, your boss tells you to call a different customer the next, and a few minutes later three new tickets hit your inbox, all with totally different issues. How do you and your team stay organized with your tickets when they’re flying in from everywhere?! If all customer problems came in through a single channel, such as email, it would make organizing and keeping track of your tickets so much easier.

The Value of the Post-Sale Customer Experience in the B2B Industry

You’ve given them countless product demos. Made executive trips to their headquarters. Answered their questions on Saturday mornings. Invited their European team out to dinner. Your team put in the work and finally won the deal. Congratulations! Now, is it really on to the next one? For sales yes, but for your entire company it definitely shouldn’t be. More companies are spending additional time and resources on improving the B2B post-sale experience of their customers. Why?

­­Understanding B2B Customer Support in the UK

As technology continues to move forward, more companies are seeing an influx of international customers that didn’t exist a decade ago. For many companies based in the United States, a large percentage of their new international customers are from the United Kingdom (aka “the UK”). Made up of four countries – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland – the UK may share a common language with the US, but there are some notable cultural differences.

The Top 5 Most Important Metrics to Customer Success Teams

With more companies creating and expanding their customer success teams than ever before, it’s critical that leadership focuses on the right metrics to accurately gauge their work. Remember, this team isn’t just an extension of customer support, so common metrics like average ticket close time will fail at accurately representing their contribution to your company.

­What You Need to Know About B2B Customer Success to Beat Your Competition

Great companies have always cared about their customers. When a customer pays for a service or offering, it’s up to the company to make sure what they paid for meets their needs. In the past, this may have meant a follow-up call or two, and then the company moved on. However, as the B2B customer experience evolved, a single phone call is no longer good enough. Now, companies have entire “customer success” teams that focus solely on ensuring the customer is happy and remains that way.

Understanding the Customer Service Expectations of B2B Customers

The difference between a B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) customer is night and day. To most B2C companies, customers are a dime a dozen. A B2C company isn’t focused on their current customers nearly as much as acquiring new ones. Their own customers know this, and thus the expectations for many B2C products are so low that companies in this industry rarely emphasize the priorities of their customers.

The Future of Emotion Detection in Customer Support

Can you truly tell how a customer feels about your business? There are many different tactics that attempt to acquire this information, such as customer reviews and NPS (net promoter score), which may or may not provide an accurate assessment of overall satisfaction. Did you catch them on a bad day when they left an NPS rating? Did they write an odd review as someone was looking over their shoulder?

When Should You Close a Ticket? Evaluating Different Strategies to Increase Satisfaction

For support agents, ending the conversation with a customer can be a mixed bag. With some customers, the conversation just flows naturally, and a clear end happens organically. Other times, acquiring and sharing information can be a painful process. You’re never quite sure if the customer is ready to end the conversation and you’re saying too much, or if you haven’t said enough and the customer will be unhappy.