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How to Meet Customer Expectations From Modern On-demand Platforms

Be it getting a ride whenever you want or ordering your favorite pizza from the comfort of your couch, on-demand platforms have made our lives quite convenient. A recent Burson-Marsteller’s survey about on-demand economy found that 86.5 Million Americans (42% of adult population) have used an on-demand service already. Added to this, the Harvard Business Review declared that the wide array of OnDemand apps and platforms have been adding 22.4 million users every year.

5 Tips for Having Highly Impactful Customer Conversations

In a world with an increasing amount of priority being placed on the customer, making the most out of every single interaction matters. Businesses never truly know what conversation will spark an expansion opportunity or referral dialogue, so nailing your customer communication on a frequent basis can separate the “good” from the “great” companies.