Starting a new project is exciting. There’s so much to think about — like how to make it scalable, reliable, maintainable, and secure. With so many moving parts to juggle, internationalization — or the process of designing software so it can be translated into many languages — is often not your first priority. Today, Mattermost is shipped in 21 languages. The entire Mattermost project contains more than 64,000 words in 9,500 sentences.
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As a manager, you will want to do whatever you can to support your employees’ mental health and well-being. After all, employees who feel happy at work are 13% more productive and are much more likely to approach the inevitable obstacles of their job proactively. Individuals who have a good work-life balance are also healthier and will thus require less time off. With their mental health and well-being nourished, employees are much more able to give their best every day.