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Tiger Team: What is it and How to Create One

Have you heard the expressions “Houston, we have a problem” and “tiger team?” Have you wondered what these refer to or where these terms originated? Well, if you do, then this article is for you. Here, we’ll answer all your questions related to tiger teams—what they are, when to form one, and how to do it. Let’s get started.

What is a Product Roadmap? A Definitive Guide

As a Product Manager, you’d want to develop the best product possible. This pursuit of perfection will leave your head swimming with ideas with features. However, the reality of deadlines, budgets, and limited team capabilities can soon come crashing in. That’s where creating a product roadmap comes to your rescue. This guide will explain what a product roadmap is and will walk you through the process of creating one.

12 Best Leadership Goals for Smart Team Leaders in 2024

Great leaders always follow leadership goals, ensure their teams perform well, and help the business grow. But great leaders are not born but trained and created over time. Setting leadership development goals is a key part of the process of turning yourself into a great leader. This involves identifying areas for improvement and skills that leaders should possess and then consciously working toward developing these skills. Which leadership goals should you focus on in the coming year?

12 Best Team Project Management Tools in 2024

Leading a successful team requires a blend of astute planning, strategic management, seamless collaboration, and intentional communication. That’s quite a lot of variables to actively track and manage without having access to team project management tools. Such leadership becomes even more layered and complex when dealing with multiple teams or complex projects. However, the entire process becomes considerably simpler with the best team project management tools in your toolkit.

10 Free SWOT Analysis Templates (In Nifty, Docs & Excel)

Companies use various business planning tools and frameworks, but none are as simple and evergreen as a simple SWOT analysis one. It’s a quick and effective way to analyze a company, process, individual, or strategy by looking at important internal and external factors at play. Given the frequency of use and the number of use cases, it’s smart to have a ready-to-use SWOT analysis template for your business.

Tips for Freelancers Looking to Master Project Management

By this point in your freelance career, you’ve likely got a few clients under your belt. But as your client list grows or as more projects come through the door, you will need a way to handle this. How you manage your time, workload, client communication, and everything in between ultimately affects the quality of your work and your relationship with your clients. Having a handle on your freelance project management skills will make your career much easier and far more rewarding.

How to Create a Successful Work Plan

Work plan – you don’t stand a chance without one, but you also can’t succeed with simply having one by your side. Confused? Yes, creating a work plan really helps. It enables you to achieve your goals, and it can also elevate your task management skills like the multi-tasker that you wish to be! Work plans can turn your ideas into tangible results, and they can also hone your dedication, adaptability, and execution skills.

10 Best Strategic Workforce Planning Tools in 2024

You could have the best talent pipeline in the world. However, without the right workforce planning tools on your team’s side, they won’t be working at their full potential. Imagine your team members are scrambling for real-time data on which project to prioritize (as opposed to getting all the information at their fingertips in one click).

10 Best Gantt Chart Software for Teams in 2024

Project management is increasingly becoming visual in nature. Stakeholders want to grasp the nitty gritty quickly and in an easy-to-digest manner. This is where Gantt chart software shines. In this guide, we will look at the ten best free Gantt chart software so that you can make the most out of these horizontal, data-rich bars. Let’s go!

9 Best Strategic Planning Software Tools in 2024

Strategic planning is a systematic process of setting an organizational goal and devising an actionable strategy to realize the same. It involves a detailed assessment of the organization’s current state and the drafting of the aspirational future state. This process is followed by the formulation of a practically implementable plan to bridge the two. Apart from the planning process, it also includes resource management and mobilization to support efficient road mapping for goal achievement.