Every business owner, including the founder of one of the most magical places on Earth – Disneyland, credits the success of their vision to PEOPLE. Our research indicates that 55% of consumers will recommend a company to their friends and family due to good customer service, but 47% of them would no longer do business with a company as a response to bad service.
Tracking productivity and performance of the customer service function emerged as the #1 challenge of customer service leaders through the pandemic crisis, as per The New CX Mandate report. It isn’t surprising that 79% of these leaders in the US are investing 31% more in measurement and analytics in 2021.
At a time when many businesses have moved online, building strong and trusting relationships has never been more important. Customers don’t just want to be sold to; they want to be valued. This is where the power of relationship marketing comes in.
If you’ve ever found a solution online to an obscure tech problem you’ve had, then it’s very likely that you’ve interacted with an online community forum. Community forums allow people to connect and discuss shared interests. Especially now, where many people’s days are spent online, community forums represent a space of connection for many.
Alert management allows users to identify critical alerts before it impacts business outcomes. A good design is all about logic or the thought process behind the unique solution to user needs. When it comes to alert management, designers need to consider that constantly switching between monitoring tools can be exhausting for the user. With such high stakes, at times, it is not easy to derive a perfect design solution at the very first try.
The COVID pandemic has been many things to many people. This unprecedented crisis has affected every corner of the globe and every sector and industry. We have witnessed the tireless bravery of our healthcare staff and the tragedy of so many lost lives. But we have also seen businesses around the world rise to the challenge of coping with this crisis and getting things done.
Customer experience is key to gauge how your customers perceive your brand. The reaction that customers have in response to the way your company treats them is crucial. Businesses have to work hard to attain and retain customers, for which keeping an eye on customer perception matters throughout their lifecycle.