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What to Expect from an IT Service Management Consultant

With the rapid evolution of information technology (IT) used by organizations seeking to optimize their business performance, it’s no surprise to see high demand for IT service management consultants. Hiring an IT service management consultant is a tricky business. You have a lot to consider as an organization that wants someone qualified to oversee smooth IT service delivery and enterprise service management (ESM).

5 Key Steps to Switch Service Desk Provider

A service desk is a key tool in providing customer support, and is one of the main points of contact between your IT organization and your customer base; a crucial component of any ITSM strategy. Sometimes, though, things can fall into disarray with your current service desk software, and you find yourself looking to switch service desk provider. This isn’t an easy task.

A Complete Guide to Dependencies in Project Management

Dependencies in project management address issues many consider part of the A-B-Cs of successful project management. Nothing happens in a vacuum. If you were building a house, you’d start with a foundation. This is how dependencies operate, regardless of your industry. This article will help you categorize each dependency and get things off the ground. Let’s dive right in.

7 Steps to Start an IT Consulting Business

IT professionals interested in starting an IT consulting business are in luck. We’re here to guide you through the essential framework of starting your consulting service. If you haven’t already, check out our other articles on the basics of an IT Consultant Job Description & Main Tasks and How to Become an IT Consultant. These should give you a solid understanding of consulting firms and IT business consultants.

10 Must-Have Features in a Service Desk Issue-Tracking System

Every company wants to scale up. An often overlooked aspect of scaling is customer relationship management (CRM). And service desk issue-tracking systems (also known as ticket management systems) are essential to CRM. Consequently, customer issues, inquiries, and complaints start to increase. Dedicating a significant portion of a company’s workforce to sifting from call to call and providing customer support takes a lot of work and resources.

IT Consultant Job Description & Main Tasks

The evolution of the digital landscape and increased dependency businesses have on technology solutions have created the perfect environment for IT consultants. Experts in the field of information technology and computer science are in demand. So to help out, we’re here to thoroughly review what an IT consultant job description looks like for those interested in pursuing a career.

Is a Performance Management System Right for Your Company?

A motivated workforce is an essential component of a successful business. Employees who know their role and what’s expected of them, and whose vision is aligned with that of the company, can take the organization to new heights. And organizations spend a lot of resources to bring their workforce to their most productive selves. According to a 2021 report, companies in the US spent a total of US$ 92.3 billion in 2021 for training their employees, a 12% increase from the previous year.

5 Steps to Handle a Service Desk Outage

Service desk outages are not the most exciting thing you want to be dealing with when handling ITSM. The service desk is one of the most central elements for smooth IT service delivery, it's the single point of contact for customers and employees, and you hope it goes without a glitch every day. But the odds are, like any other IT system, it will happen at some point. And these outages can be costly. So it’s best to be prepared for this worst-case scenario and have a plan to resolve the issue.