The 2020 global pandemic challenged businesses across the globe. However, some companies still found a way to continue growth regardless of the challenges. We’re happy that one of our customers could take their work management to a new level with the help of Scoro. Laguna Pools is an Australian construction company that builds innovative, high-quality concrete pools.
Throughout 2020, businesses scrambled to find ways to adapt their operations to accommodate all-remote workforces. For the most part, their efforts paid off. Studies have subsequently shown that the abrupt shift had a negligible effect on productivity. That new reality has changed the dynamics in the business world surrounding remote work. As a result, it’s beginning to look like some of the pandemic-driven changes will become permanent.
In Part 1 of this blog series we introduced the new imperative for customer support and customer success—achieving success for your customers…and for your bottom line. The first way to do so is to ensure product adoption and use. The second way is to use B2B customer support tools to proactively strengthen your customer relationships and reduce churn. That’s what we explore in Part 2. Reduce Churn and Prove Value Overall support demand grew by 10.6% in 2020.
In today’s modern IT world, enterprises are looking to not only streamline their global monitoring operations but also facilitate access to reporting capabilities that provide insight into usage, uptime, and availability of SaaS services. Covid disrupted the work culture and our daily lives. With so many of us working from home, IT leaders and executives are now more than ever interested in ensuring that the cloud services their team relies on are available.