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Call Center Attendance Management in 2021 (Challenges and Solutions)

Interested in call center attendance management? Managing attendance is crucial as every call center needs a sufficient number of agents present for each shift. Only then can you keep clients satisfied and meet service level goals. These agents also need to be on-time because their tardiness can have a ripple effect on the entire call center’s operations. That’s why companies need an effective way to manage the attendance of call center agents.

The Ultimate Guide to Running a Virtual Company Effectively

Working in the office was a blessing. Traveling, and having water cooler conversations was fun for office-going people worldwide. And then the pandemic hit and forced everyone to work from home. After working in the office for years, can you even imagine running a business virtually without any concept of a physical office space? We’re going to talk exactly about that in this article, and more so, how to do it effectively! Running a virtual company is not a foreign concept.

How to Increase Accountability in the Workplace (Tips, Tools)

Want to know how to increase accountability in the workplace? Missed deadlines, repetitive mistakes, and a lack of trust and engagement can be a sign of poor accountability. However, picking up on these signs isn’t the end of it. You need to work on them too. So how do you increase accountability in the workplace? In this article, we’ll cover what accountability is and why it’s important for your business.

Spring G2 Reports put Time Doctor as #1 in Employee Monitoring Software

Time Doctor is on FIRE! New Spring G2 Reports list Time Doctor as #1 in Employee Monitoring Software plus 11 new badges! Time Doctor is extremely excited to announce that we have been awarded the top spot in G2’s new Spring 2021 reports in the Employee Monitoring Software category. Time Doctor was chosen as the leader in this category above several competitors including Hubstaff and Activtrak.

Top 10 Employee Accountability Software In 2021

Wondering which is the best employee accountability software for your team? If you’re offering your team a flexible or remote work option following the COVID-19 pandemic, employee accountability is probably one of your main concerns. How will you hold employees accountable for their work when they aren’t physically in the office? While accountability software can certainly help you out, you need to choose the best one for your requirements.

Virtual Assistant China: Top Services, Tips (2021 Guide)

Want to hire a Chinese virtual assistant? From accounting and improving customer experience to data analytics and more — virtual assistants can do a wide variety of tasks. And while the process of hiring them can sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. All you need are clear expectations, job platforms, and a little expertise. So how do you hire a virtual assistant from China? In this article, we’ll cover what a virtual assistant is and how you can hire them.

The Risks of Hybrid Work

Remote work has been one of the great success stories of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has made employees happier and more productive, and has provided major cost savings for some employers. Working remotely is now considered by many to be the future of work. Despite all the positives that workers have enjoyed while working from home, some people are still anxious to get back to the office. Some employers want their teams back where they can see them as soon as possible.

Time Doctor Metrics for Hybrid Workforces

As workplaces start to reopen post-pandemic, many companies are struggling with the decision of how and where they will operate and how to set up their teams to be the most productive. A large number of companies are choosing to stay fully remote while a smaller portion are choosing to go back into the office full time.

Top 12 Employee Monitoring Software (Features, Pricing)

Looking for the best employee monitoring software? In this article, we’ll highlight 12 excellent employee monitoring tools to help you choose the perfect one for your needs. We’ll go over their key features, pricing plans, and user ratings to help you make an informed decision.

A Comprehensive Guide On Time Management Reporting (Including Tools)

Curious about time management reporting? It’s no secret that keeping track of employee time can significantly improve your team’s productivity and profitability. However, tracking work hours involves analyzing hundreds and thousands of records in employee timesheets. How can you use this data to your advantage? Time management reporting can help you convert time entries into lucid information using visual aids like charts and graphs.