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What is a Split Shift and How Can You Implement It?

Being understaffed during rush hour and overstaffed during slower periods may be one of the biggest challenges a business faces. You must ensure that you schedule your employees so that there’s adequate staff during peak periods and that it doesn’t exceed your labor budget. So how do you reach this sweet spot? You can easily achieve this by having your employees work in a split shift.

8 Proven Tips to Create an Effective Remote Work Plan

With nearly all businesses going remote, it’s essential to have a remote work plan in place. An effective plan helps you deal with various aspects of remote work like managing work schedules, communication, and employee engagement. So with several things to cover, how do you create a plan that best suits your organization? In this article, we’ll explore what a remote work plan is and why you need it.

The Best Virtual Office Software Your Team Needs for 2021

Interested in virtual office software? Remote work is a whole different ball game compared to regular office work. When you switch to virtual office space, you can’t just use the same tools as you did in the office. And, like any new team, your remote team is bound to face some challenges. That’s exactly why you need virtual office software. With a virtual office tool, you can ensure your team is working productively and creating the right virtual office environment.

7 Strategies and Tactics for Remote Call Center Scheduling

Attendance and schedule adherence has always been an essential part of any high-functioning call center. In order to successfully handle incoming call volume and cater to client needs, agents must be present and ready to answer the phone. But that’s easier said than done. Managing attendance in a call center comes with some inherent challenges.

Critical Considerations with Regards to Cybersecurity for Remote Workers

For a long time, only a few people work from home was rare and was a luxury. But, after the pandemic organizations had to adjust accordingly to working remotely. Companies have encountered numerous challenges setting up remote workers since this situation brings with it a variety of complexities and risks. And one of those challenges is cybersecurity for remote workers. As technology advances, so too do cybersecurity threats.

Business Timesheet For Call Center: 2021 Template, Tools

Want a business timesheet for call center? Business timesheets help with call center employee scheduling, productivity tracking, payroll processing, and more. However, using manual timesheets can be tedious and error-prone. That’s why using an accurate timesheet tool is a better option. But with hundreds of tools available, which one should you choose?

100 Tasks You Can Outsource to Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual assistant services are a key ingredient to helping startups and early-stage companies get off the ground. Sure, entrepreneurs are superheroes, or at least they like to think they are. And being a micromanager may be necessary at first. But as time goes by, it’s important to start letting go of the steering wheel just a little bit. Outsourcing some of your time-consuming responsibilities to a virtual assistant will help you focus on core business activities and scaling your business.

What Is Time Blocking And How Does It Work? (2021 Guide)

Wondering how time blocking can make you more productive? Many of us are constantly stuck trying to achieve an excellent work-life balance. So you might already know being productive isn’t easy with tons of commitments. Fortunately, that’s where time blocking can help. It’s a simple time management method that allows you to gain more control over your workday. In this guide, we’ll cover what time blocking is and how it works.

8 Common Employee Scheduling Issues (And How To Tackle Them)

A long line of customers, last-minute cancellations, and employee no-shows can affect any business. It impacts morale and productivity as your team would be overloaded with work. So how do you fix these problems? By adopting rock-solid employee scheduling practices. You need to chalk out a powerful scheduling process that protects your bottom-line. In this article, we’ll cover eight scheduling challenges and highlight a few tips to overcome them so you can create great work schedules.

4 Useful Employee Accountability Templates for Busy Managers

Looking for an employee accountability template? Holding employees accountable for their actions may seem daunting, especially if you’ve just been promoted to a managerial position or are a new business owner. But how do you hold an employee accountable? In this article, we’ll share smart strategies for increasing employee accountability. We’ll also provide four employee accountability templates that you can customize for your needs.