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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

The Art of Listening to Customers: Filtering the Value from the Noise

It’s clear that feedback can – and should – be a critical part of the product management decision making process. When planning your product strategy it is essential to find out what real users think and then strike a balance between coming up with your own innovative ideas, reacting to market trends and taking customer opinions into account.

Introducing the Projects-Sprints integration: Get the best of both worlds

In project management, there is a constant struggle at identifying the best approach for work: the classic Waterfall methodology or the more flexible Agile methodology. It’s hard to find an organization that only follows either one of these. Though there may be scrum purists who would revolt against the idea of integrating Waterfall and Agile approaches, a hybrid process is often what many teams prefer.

The 3 key product decisions every product manager has to make

Decisions, decisions! Life’s full of them – from life-changing choices such as if you should accept that enticing job offer or relocate to another country to those smaller things like what to have for lunch! And decision-making is a central aspect of the product management role: the success of the product depends on the ability to make the right decisions at the right time and then communicate them effectively.

How to manage your product... and why Google got it wrong this time

When it comes to online tech products Google is the undisputed world leader – almost everything it launches turns to gold, swiftly becoming the industry standard. From Search and Gmail to Chrome, Docs, Maps, Translate, Drive and Google Plus the massive successes have far outweighed the failures. It only makes sense then that any insight we can get into the processes used by Google Product Managers should be treated as a great reference for how to deliver high quality products.

Why the Dynamic Product Roadmap is changing the game

For most Product Managers the roadmap is a classic double-edged sword. On the one hand it provides a valuable and welcome opportunity to focus your product vision and share it with colleagues, managers and customers. But all too often the process of creating, presenting and retaining a roadmap quickly evolves into an unavoidable headache.

Check out the top features in the latest release

Our Table View is now completely interactive and all terminology is editable. With this release we’ve made some significant changes, improving the Craft experience while keeping the simple user-friendly interface you’re used to. The Table View has been optimized to become a totally interactive spreadsheet – it’s like having your Excel file fully integrated with all your features, user stories and feedback.