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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools. - Using the Editor

A core part of every Product Manager’s job is to create the documentation that describes the user problem, the business opportunity and the solution design that drive the product development process. Exactly for this, we built the Craft editor - a powerful and unique tool that gives you the ability to write great product specs within the context you and your team needs

Year in Review: Top 10 Articles of 2019

What a good feeling it is to look back at our past year knowing we’ve been more successful and productive than ever. Among other things, we opened our new office in London, as well as launched our partnership program and productivity calculator. Last but not least, we also made some great improvements to our website and logo – that’s right, we had a rebranding. And we are not stopping here.

Celebrating customers like you in our new campaign

Two years ago, we hosted our first-ever community event in London, bringing together local Asana customers to meet and learn from one another. During the event, Chris Butler-Stroud, CEO of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation, shared the following about his team’s experience with Asana: "I can genuinely say that there are more dolphins and whales alive today thanks to Asana".