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The Best All-in-One Tools for Hybrid Working | Scoro

As the world navigates towards the new normal, most companies are rolling out a hybrid working policy. This comes as a report by the UK’s Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) reveals that two-fifths (40%) of employers expect more than half of their workers to work regularly from home post-pandemic. Hybrid working can improve work-life balance so that staff remain motivated and work better.

Net Promoter Score: Your Personal Guide to Customer Satisfaction

There are many ways to measure customer satisfaction but the most effective way of doing so is by measuring your Net Promoter Score (NPS). You may already be using a few simple metrics such as Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) to monitor how happy your customers are. These metrics can play an integral role in ensuring that your brand consistently provides a great customer experience.

The Critical Data Lessons We Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge for us all, to be sure — but it's also brought with it its fair share of lessons that will continue to be relevant and valuable long after everything has calmed down again. This is particularly true in terms of what it has taught us about data — something that has been an essential part of the response for communities, governments and businesses everywhere.