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Hybrid Work

Remote and Hybrid Team Productivity Hacks to Keep Your Projects On Track

Many businesses have discovered the benefits of remote and hybrid teams over the last year. With the potential to boost productivity, motivation, and collaboration, it is clear that they are both here to stay. Even after a return to normalcy. For example, Microsoft announced its plans for the future of its hybrid work model last year. And enabled all staff to work up to 50% of their time from home without needing approval.

Remote and Hybrid Team Productivity Hacks to Keep Your Projects On Track

Many businesses have discovered the benefits of remote and hybrid teams over the last year. With the potential to boost productivity, motivation, and collaboration, it is clear that they are both here to stay. Even after a return to normalcy. For example, Microsoft announced its plans for the future of its hybrid work model last year. And enabled all staff to work up to 50% of their time from home without needing approval.

DeskTrack | Hybrid Working | Distributed Teams | Distractions | Losing Transparency

DeskTrack is an employee monitoring and time tracking software that helps to remove distractions at workplace and boost productivity & efficiency. DeskTrack Core Time Tracking: Get automated timesheets of the individuals & recognize when an individual starts & ends the day, time they spend at work or away from it. Unified Dashboards: Admin, manager & user login to access the team reports from anywhere anytime and managing the hybrid working model easily.

How Hybrid Working Will Shape the Way We Work

Research shows that 41% of employers will adopt hybrid working within two years. And only 30% expect to have their workforce fully back in the office before 2023. Despite the reactionary stance of some companies, the way businesses operate has inevitably changed, and the hybrid model will only continue to gain traction. Even the UK Government recognizes the need to be flexible as it explores the idea of granting new employees the right to request flexible working.

Death to the Office? Hybrid, Remote and the Future of Working Together

The office as we once knew it is gone. But is it really dead? Remote, hybrid and flexible working models are now the norm; 24% of businesses surveyed by the ONS stated that they intended to adopt more home working going forward. In the same study, 85% of workers disclosed their preference for a “hybrid” approach of both home and office working. It looks like the office – although totally transformed – is here to stay, too.

5 Hybrid work approaches to curb productivity & collaboration challenges

Hybrid work appeared as a light at the end of the tunnel when organizations were in a dilemma to thrive in work from home models. Irrespective of all the obstacles, the companies chose to survive with hybrid model best practices. Where some of the organizations were not even aware of the hybrid workforce culture, many businesses took advantage of the situation and progressed vigorously.

How A Hybrid Workforce Can Unlock New Operational Efficiency

Discover how hybrid work is helping organizations streamline operational efficiency as they move into a post-pandemic work environment. Find out how tech-oriented leaders are using software to track employee productivity and boost office productivity.

3 tips from Dr. Nicholas Bloom on how to implement a hybrid work policy

This article originally appeared on Inc. The evidence is clear—the future of work is hybrid. According to research by Gartner, 82% of company leaders plan to allow their employees to work remotely after the pandemic at least some of the time. Yet implementing a hybrid work policy is far from straightforward. Perhaps most concerning is the potential for hybrid workplaces to breed two tiers of workers, with those who come into the office less frequently relegated to lower status.

Design your remote or hybrid work policy with this framework

This article originally appeared on Inc. As plans to reopen offices shift and evolve, many executives are grappling with what their future remote or hybrid work policy will be. Some companies have laid down the law from the top, while others have adopted a more bottoms-up approach—giving significant authority to individual managers to decide their individual team’s policy.