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Find your flow with these work from home playlists

If you’re used to working in a bustling office, you might find the newfound silence of remote work deafening. On the other hand, if you’re sheltering in place with a house full of family or roommates, you might be looking for a little help tuning out. Thankfully there’s a quick and social distancing-approved solution to both scenarios: music! Various studies have shown music’s power to lift your mood and help you maintain focus—two things many of us could use right now.

Leading through change: How we're navigating remote work at Asana

Asana’s north star has always been the well-being of our employees and serving our customers. As global teams—including our own—have become more dispersed in recent weeks, our commitment to helping the world’s teams thrive and leading consciously is now more important than ever. Businesses are looking for ways to stay connected and coordinated no matter when or where teams are working.

7 tips for finding focus and reducing digital distractions

As millions of teams adjust to working remotely full time, many are searching for ways to stay productive without compromising work-life balance. Finding time for deep focus, reducing digital distractions, and fighting the constant deluge of app toggling and notification checking are all top priorities for workers—and for good reason. According to the Anatomy of Work Index, nearly three-quarters of workers experience burnout every year.

Asana tips: 5 ways to work from anywhere

Whether the flexibility of working from anywhere has always been appealing or you’re trying to figure out how to navigate a remote work schedule as a way for your team to stay healthy, remote work can seem challenging at first. The best way to succeed as a remote worker is to make sure you have all the tools and information you need to do the job well.

How Asana uses Asana for remote work

At Asana, we’re on a mission to help the world’s teams work together effortlessly. And to us, that means reducing work about work so teams have visibility and clarity into who’s doing what by when. The same is true even when team members are working remotely. From globally distributed organizations to teams that are thinking about remote work as a way to remain healthy, Asana can help you and your teammates stay connected, collaborate, and continue to hit your goals.