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4 ways you can use our new Bannerbear integration to create even better dashboards

We recently shipped a new Geckoboard integration for Bannerbear. Why should you care? Because now you can generate snazzy images and graphics that display instantly on your Geckoboard dashboard. From live weather reports, to more engaging ways to visualize customer feedback, the possibilities are endless. And the best part is, you can automate the entire process, end-to-end. What is Bannerbear?

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) & Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) | Data Smarties

What is MRR? What is ARR? Dale explores Monthly Recurring Revenue & Annual Recurring Revenue – two metrics widely used by subscription and SaaS companies. Including what they are, how to calculate them, and how to use them in a smarter way.

Conversion Rates & Purchase Funnels: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

In marketing and sales, purchase funnels form a crucial part of how we view the customer journey. And the most common way of measuring the effectiveness of a purchase funnel is with conversion rates. Conversion rates provide a temptingly simple way of measuring how successful each of your tactics or touchpoints has been in moving the customer along – one step nearer to that all-important final stage – the sale.

Customer dashboards: Examples of Customer Service Dashboards and Steps to Create One

One of the primary responsibilities of a customer support manager is to monitor your team’s performance and help them deliver outstanding customer service efficiently. A customer service dashboard is the perfect tool for you to track your support team’s efficiency and also know how happy your customers are with the support you offer.

Anscombe's Quartet - why summary metrics lie

In business, we use summary metrics all the time. A summary metric is just another way of saying you have summarized a series of data into a single data point – like a total or an average. Most of the time, when you report on business KPIs like Revenue, Customer Satisfaction, Acquisition Cost, or Lifetime Value, you’re doing so in the form of a summary metric. But summary metrics can be misleading, because they reduce complex patterns in your data down to simple, singular figures.