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The Ultimate Guide to Video Conferencing

The alarm rings on your phone. It’s 7 am. You swipe up to shut the alarm and unlock your phone to check your messages. The first message is from a client in Europe requesting an urgent video conference call for 7:30 am your time. You roll out of bed, freshen up, put on a crisp shirt over your shorts and flip flops, fix yourself a cup of coffee, and you’re ready to roll.

How to Get Retail Customer Experience Right in a Digital-First Era

The importance of the retail customer experience has increased multifold over the pandemic, even at a time when a record number of retailers have had to shut down their physical stores. But this period has also set apart the cream of retail stores from their contemporaries, through their agility to provide a seamless retail customer experience online – finding ways to stay relevant even with a decrease in footfall, and adapting their existing strategy to be digital-first.

Boost Employee Engagement, Company Culture, & Productivity with Simpplr Video

Video is one of the most effective ways for communication but the experience of using a third-party video platform isn’t. Take the pain out of managing videos elsewhere with Simpplr. With Simpplr Video you can securely record, upload, store, and manage your videos.

How We've Built an Open Source Community at Mattermost

Our community has been at the heart of what makes Mattermost great since the earliest days. The first community members were people who were trying out the earliest versions of the platform, filing bugs and wanting to make feature improvements. Our open source community has grown, contributing thousands of pull requests, from new features and plugins to translations and documentation.

Top 8 HR Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

If you think that COVID-19 and remote working have had no impact on HR, think again. This pandemic has had a major impact on the physical and mental state of the workforce, in addition to redefining the technological aspects of the workplace. Every organization observed a major change in how teams work and that led to even bigger radical shifts in HR trends.

How to Grow Your Online Business (Even in a Crisis)

Wondering how to grow your online business during a crisis situation? Adjusting to an unknown and turbulent reality can be harsh, especially for businesses. The Covid-19 crisis was the beginning of the end of a lot of small and medium businesses globally. According to the International Trade Survey, at least one out of four businesses were projected to close as the crisis endured.

Call Center Attendance Management in 2021 (Challenges and Solutions)

Interested in call center attendance management? Managing attendance is crucial as every call center needs a sufficient number of agents present for each shift. Only then can you keep clients satisfied and meet service level goals. These agents also need to be on-time because their tardiness can have a ripple effect on the entire call center’s operations. That’s why companies need an effective way to manage the attendance of call center agents.

The Ultimate Guide to Running a Virtual Company Effectively

Working in the office was a blessing. Traveling, and having water cooler conversations was fun for office-going people worldwide. And then the pandemic hit and forced everyone to work from home. After working in the office for years, can you even imagine running a business virtually without any concept of a physical office space? We’re going to talk exactly about that in this article, and more so, how to do it effectively! Running a virtual company is not a foreign concept.

How to Increase Accountability in the Workplace (Tips, Tools)

Want to know how to increase accountability in the workplace? Missed deadlines, repetitive mistakes, and a lack of trust and engagement can be a sign of poor accountability. However, picking up on these signs isn’t the end of it. You need to work on them too. So how do you increase accountability in the workplace? In this article, we’ll cover what accountability is and why it’s important for your business.

Spring G2 Reports put Time Doctor as #1 in Employee Monitoring Software

Time Doctor is on FIRE! New Spring G2 Reports list Time Doctor as #1 in Employee Monitoring Software plus 11 new badges! Time Doctor is extremely excited to announce that we have been awarded the top spot in G2’s new Spring 2021 reports in the Employee Monitoring Software category. Time Doctor was chosen as the leader in this category above several competitors including Hubstaff and Activtrak.