ITSM is a collection of concepts and processes. How those processes are implemented and adopted can vary. This is where IT service management frameworks come into play and, based on the needs of the business, also help determine what frameworks are best for implementing those ITSM concepts and processes. IT service management frameworks focus on services rather than systems and support the full scope of the practice of service management.
Capterra and GetApp Awards 2022 Based on thousands of reviews within the IT Service Management sector on Capterra and GetApp, HaloITSM has been awarded the ITSM solution with the ‘Best Ease of Use’ and ‘Best Functionality & Features’ for 2022. As a proactive ITSM vendor that listens to service and solution feedback from all customers, and responds to a dense and constantly evolving marketplace, we are really proud to have received these awards.
The above definition of ITSM is an excellent basis for introducing what ITSM is all about. How do end users, be they external customers in a B2B or B2C environment, internal employees using IT systems, or even wider through the organization employees interacting with HR, Finance, and Facilities, gain value from the products and services offered?