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Discussing Decisions! Card Tables and To-Dos

A raw, unedited conversation between two 37signals' two co-founders, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, about a recent decision they made regarding Card Tables (a new Kanban feature in Basecamp 4) and To-dos. In this video discuss the decision not to allow customers to convert To-do lists or To-do items into Card Tables or Cards. Even thought it's been a top request, they go into the philosophical and practical reasons why they decided against the conversion feature.

Discussing Decisions! A Basecamp pricing experiment

A raw, unedited conversation between two 37signals' two co-founders, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, about a recent decision they made on trying a new pricing model for Basecamp 4. They discuss the decision to try a new pricing model, some of the reasons behind the decision, the tradeoffs inherent in making a decision like this, how it only applies to new customers rather than existing customers, the value of timeboxing experiments, and a variety of other topics.