In the 2020 edition of PMI’s Pulse of the Profession, one of the top three factors that executive leaders attributed to project success was investing in the right technology (32%). However, what’s the right technology for you? This can vary based on your industry, role, type of organization, and nature of work. But the one factor that wins uncontested is the ability of a tool to be adopted by people. In other words, how easily can software be adopted or implemented by your organization?
There’s a wide variety of ways to view all of the endeavors your organization is working on, but viewing all of the work within your company’s wingspan can be quite daunting, and perhaps even meaningless, as it lacks the context and actionability of how your initiatives unfold on a day-to-day basis. Clustering your projects into Portfolios will help your company’s leadership contextualize your efforts, as well as sharpen the focus of those tasks with carrying out the daily driving.
Industry research has shown the increasing popularity of self-service from both company and customer perspectives. One report from Software Advice validates that self-service really does have a positive and measurable impact on both quality and quantity of customer service issues requiring an agent’s attention. Over 75% of respondents confirmed that First Level Resolution, First Contact Resolution, Cost Per Contact, and Cost Per Incident were improved.
The recent implementation of privacy labels in Apple’s App Store have ignited a new wave of discussions over privacy concerns with technology applications. Users now have greater visibility into the type of data that is collected, who that data is shared with and how it is used.
In October 2020, we launched our brand new conferencing capabilities, expanding our video limits to 12 and audio limits to 25 participants. We received resoundingly positive feedback on how vital this increased capacity was for collaboration and communication in the COVID era. Since that initial launch, we have received tons of valuable feedback from our customers about the conferencing experience.