Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Labor Productivity Calculator: How to Measure Employee Performance

Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything. A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker. Paul Krugman, The Age of Diminishing Expectations There are different definitions when it comes to productivity. Wikipedia would say that “productivity describes various measures of the efficiency of production”.

Timesheet (Monthly) | Apploye

On the monthly section it will show the total timesheet for any specific month, an admin/owner/member can see this easily from the monthly timesheet. This will give an idea of total hours worked on any specific month. For members, they only can see their own timesheet as already explained and also the owner and admins can check their members timesheet here by selecting from the “member” button.

Timesheet (custom) | Apploye

This feature from the timesheet can be a real game changer for some companies who are trying to maintain a timesheet and their work schedule in a different picture from the traditional one. Why this? because in this custom feature an owner/admin can see their employees custom date range, here this feature has been created for making things easier and flexible for all types of companies existing.

How a Construction Company Grew Their Business with Scoro

The 2020 global pandemic challenged businesses across the globe. However, some companies still found a way to continue growth regardless of the challenges. We’re happy that one of our customers could take their work management to a new level with the help of Scoro. Laguna Pools is an Australian construction company that builds innovative, high-quality concrete pools.

The 8 Essential Entrepreneurial Skills You Need to Run an All-Remote Business

Throughout 2020, businesses scrambled to find ways to adapt their operations to accommodate all-remote workforces. For the most part, their efforts paid off. Studies have subsequently shown that the abrupt shift had a negligible effect on productivity. That new reality has changed the dynamics in the business world surrounding remote work. As a result, it’s beginning to look like some of the pandemic-driven changes will become permanent.

Part 2: Three Ways to Achieve Success for Your Customers...and Your Bottom Line

In Part 1 of this blog series we introduced the new imperative for customer support and customer success—achieving success for your customers…and for your bottom line. The first way to do so is to ensure product adoption and use. The second way is to use B2B customer support tools to proactively strengthen your customer relationships and reduce churn. That’s what we explore in Part 2. Reduce Churn and Prove Value Overall support demand grew by 10.6% in 2020.

How to Make Your Zoom Meetings More Secure

During the first months of the last year, Zoom was a little known video conferencing platform with a few million users. However, the spread of Coronavirus across the globe forced businesses and organizations to make changes in their working models. Among them was adopting remote working practices, fostered by several communication and collaboration tools. This is where Zoom's popularity surged, with remote workers using the tool to conduct virtual meetings. However, the explosive popularity of Zoom created several cybersecurity ramifications. The unexpected growth exposed the platform to various security faults, vulnerabilities, and hackers. That said, below are some of the best practices to keep your Zoom meetings secure.

How to View Office 365 Service Health in CloudReady?

In today’s modern IT world, enterprises are looking to not only streamline their global monitoring operations but also facilitate access to reporting capabilities that provide insight into usage, uptime, and availability of SaaS services. Covid disrupted the work culture and our daily lives. With so many of us working from home, IT leaders and executives are now more than ever interested in ensuring that the cloud services their team relies on are available.