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30+ Best Workflow Tools for a Hybrid Work Environment

If 2020 was the year of work-from-home, 2021 will gradually be easing into what the future of the office will look like: a hybridized home-and-office requiring the use of many different workflow tools. The reason this term casts such a wide net is because everyone’s situation will be notably different. Some businesses will return in full force (once they’re able to) and will resume the office life that they formerly lived, while other organizations may never have a formal office again.

5 Keys to Simple Project Management

Project Managers are presented with some challenging tasks which can hinder the success of the project. Some of the most prevalent challenges that keep project managers on the ball involve making sure the project is on track, within the assigned budget, keeping up with the project's pace, and managing resources.

Avoiding the Most Common Business Mistakes When Scaling Your Small Business

Scaling and generating more revenue without necessarily increasing costs is a good sign for your small business. But with the potential to scale by increasing sales volume comes the challenge of keeping the company’s operations and profitability stable. This is why companies emphasize the importance of operational efficiency.

6 Tech Tools to Streamline Your Remote Workflow

‍ Thrust into the unfamiliarity of remote work, a huge number of industries around the globe have had to adapt to life away from the office. COVID-19 has prompted a surge in remote work like we have never seen before, with much of the American workforce being left with no choice but to work from home. In fact, the pandemic has ensured that tech priorities shifted for 95% of companies.

7 secrets of sales leadership

Sales teams across all industries are facing unexpected changes, including an abrupt move towards remote work. At a time like this, leadership makes all the difference. The LinkedIn State of Sales Report for 2020 found that 70% of sales managers think that being able to navigate change is more important now than it was five years ago.

M Files Admin: Creating a Document Review and Approval Workflow | Intelligent Information Management

One of the most used and needed workflows throughout all organizations is the document review and approval workflow, where documents start out in a draft state and then they go through review and then final approval. It's really easy to create this workflow in M-Files and it saves staff loads of time since they don't have to hassle with the messy process of emailing attachments back and forth and creating multiple versions of the same document