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Live Chat Software Quick Overview - Vision Helpdesk

Vision Helpdesk's - Live Chat Software is a multi-company secure messaging platform offering real-time seem-less communication and customer engagement. This webinar covers a quick overview of Live Chat Software features and how to use them. A live chat software that is set up instantly, browser-based, and packed with features.

Are Hybrid AGMs Upholding Corporate Governance?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Annual General Meetings (AGMs) were typically held in a physical venue where shareholders could directly ask questions and vote for resolutions on site. The chairperson and directors of the company had to be on the ball and be prepared for questions to come their way once spotlighted. However, in the last year, when the pandemic struck the world, everyone was pushed into an era of digital transformation.

Journey Mapping: How to Master the Art of Interrupting

Notifications are good for user experience. There, I said it. The word “notification” might conjure images of annoying interruptions for your users, but it should also remind them of moments where they were quietly guided to a more desirable experience. Notifications can guide users through key setup steps in onboarding, reward a positive interaction, and encourage exploration.

Secure messaging apps: why, what, and how

Secure messaging apps have always been highly valued among their consumers – but the security ladder keeps going higher and higher. The technology is advancing at a high speed, and organizations are trying to ensure the strictest security standards for messaging apps their employees use. Namely, ever since the abrupt switch to a remote work environment in 2020, companies are seeing a rise in cybersecurity breaches.