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How to Set Up a Content Workflow Management System for your Team

For any online business to scale via organic means content marketing and a content workflow management process are crucial for creating growth workflows that every digital business should be starting with. Do we still need to remind ourselves of the value of content creation? Hopefully Not! I believe you create content on a weekly or monthly basis and you know the value of content.

Multi-Company Help Desk Software: What Is It and Its Benefits?

Using separate help desks for each store or brand can be confusing, especially when your customer service agents have to learn how to use the different software systems. One way most business owners are using to overcome this challenge is by using one centralized system to help them efficiently manage their companies’ data without requiring different logins. Multi-company help desks are great for growing companies that need more than just basic customer service software.

Productive Processes and Profit Begins at Home!

In this age of 24/7 Client focus, it is easy for Practice Management to lose sight of the fundamentally important job of looking for internal systematic operating process bottlenecks. In many cases hidden away in the business, there are functions that remain supported primarily by a mixture of seemingly permanent ‘temporary Shadow Systems" such as spreadsheets and shared drives, all supported by manually driven processes.

Live Chat Software Automation and Round Robin Rules - Vision Helpdesk

Boost your Customer Support with the Simplicity of Live Chat Software Automation. Industries have to cope up with many challenges like providing quick and efficient responses, pro-active support, round-the-clock availability, etc.. all this while having an edge over the competitors. The zeal to be a market leader has made Automation a necessity in the Service Industry.

Our Slack integration just got a whole lot better! Here's how you can make the most of our brand new features

Slack is undoubtedly one of our most popular integrations to date. With that in mind, we’ve implemented some of your suggestions to improve your experience using Slack with Teamwork and we think Version 2 of this integration will be a game-changer.

Why Software Accessibility Matters

Making sure your software and its documentation is accessible is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do—and it’s actually not that difficult. An accessible product is as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of their physical and cognitive abilities. For example, blind people should be able access your documentation with a screen reader, and neurologically atypical people shouldn’t be distracted by flashing screens, pop-ups, or carousels.