The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.
Hello, world! I’m Matt Graber. I just finished my undergrad at the University of Maryland. I started my game development career back in freshman year in the UMD AR club. I used to teach other students how to create augmented and virtual reality experiences with Unity, a cross-platform game engine. I also enjoy informal game jams and larger projects in Unity with fellow developer friends. Recently, I won the sponsored prize at the Bitcamp hackathon for building Package Person
Companies across the world are thinking about reopening their office doors and welcoming their employees back when it’s safe. Too many, though, are adopting a “wait and see” strategy—that is, they’re planning to unlock their doors and wait to see which—and how many—employees show up. Companies that adopt this approach are setting themselves up for irreparable damage.
Collaborative processes are essential to create an organization that is on the same page and in sync with one another. A collaborative process and culture in the workplace is defined as the existence of open and free-flowing interchange of information, data, skills, and sometimes even customers and clients when necessary. It is the opposite of a “hoarding” culture, where employees feel that every man or woman is out for themselves.
Encrypted communication and collaboration app Wire claim that it is“the most secure collaboration platform.” I had heard this before, many times in fact, but had never seen any proof of this notion. One of the ways the company does this is via encrypting every message sent and received, reducing the chances of a malicious intrusion.
Mattermost v5.38 is generally available today and includes the following new features (see changelog for more details).
In today's modernizing environment, team members can no longer rely on one-on-one interactions with colleagues and communicating every petty information or transferring essential files via email, which can be a time-consuming process due to its etiquettes. Choosing team communication tools can be the best decision because it not only improves communication but also team productivity, collaboration, and time management.