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Unlock Your Device with Your Face: 7 Best Facial Recognition Apps for Android and iOS [2023]

Facial Recognition Apps are slowly becoming the prevalent and essential biometric attendance method for corporate to small companies, thanks to their accuracy and highly regulated verification methods. Do you know that, four days after a new facial recognition system was tested, the Indian Police in New Delhi was able to locate up to 3,000 missing children? This modern facial recognition technology can only go so far regarding prowess.

Surprising Statistics on Employee Efficiency

Productivity is one of the most important aspects of any business, as it directly affects the bottom line. It also measures how efficiently and effectively employees are working towards achieving the company's goals. In today's fast-paced business environment, where competition is fierce and margins are slim, productivity is more critical than ever. Employers often seek ways to improve productivity, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

Mattermost Pro Tips: How to customize Mattermost notifications for optimal productivity

You’ve got a fresh cup of coffee on your desk, and you’re ready to dig into some focused work time. But before you can kick things off, you get a ping on your desktop. Then that little red number on your Mattermost desktop app crawls up and up and up. A question to answer on one thread, responses to read on another, a video to watch somewhere else… Before you know it, your coffee is cold, and you haven’t even started on the project you intended to work on.

15+ Surprising Statistics on Employee Efficiency

Productivity is one of the most important aspects of any business, as it directly affects the bottom line. It also measures how efficiently and effectively employees are working towards achieving the company's goals. In today's fast-paced business environment, where competition is fierce and margins are slim, productivity is more critical than ever. Employers often seek ways to improve productivity, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

The Changing Look of AGMs: Hybrid Meetings are Taking Over

Gathering diverse, international shareholders to meet traditionally involves travel time and a physical venue. The pandemic caused disruptions such as social distancing and travel restrictions that made it nearly impossible to run in-person AGMs. Many companies switched to virtual shareholder meetings in 2020 and 2021. The emergence of virtual AGMs, however, came with new meeting requirements that also changed the way companies engage with shareholders.

Infuse your presentation with the energy of a workshop

The word “workshop” sparks visions of creativity, collaboration, and energy — people rolling up their sleeves to build something great together. In contrast, “presentation” has completely different connotations, triggering groans and eyerolls as people imagine tired slide decks and endless droning.

Game of Zones: Strategies for managing remote teams and achieving deadlines

As businesses across the globe embrace digital transformation and wholehearted acceptance of flexible work models, managing remote teams is a crucial competency for organizations. With teams spread across geographies, time zones, cultures, and working habits, the challenge of optimizing team performance and meeting deadlines can be daunting.