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Starting a Basecamp Project - Basecamp Basics

One of the best ways to get started in your new Basecamp account is to start a project. In this Basecamp Basics video, Kimberly from Basecamp's Customer Success team walks through how to start a new project and explains invite-only projects vs. all-access projects, the five project tools that are on each project at start-up, and shows how to change, rename and duplicate tools within a project. You'll also learn how to link to an outside tool or service with the Doors feature.

What is a Basecamp Project? - Basecamp Basics

To understand how Basecamp works, you have to understand what a project is. In this Basecamp Basics video, Kimberly from Basecamp's Customer Success team explains the four ways that projects can be used – as a headquarters for your entire company, as a hub for an internal team or department, for time-based work, or as a subset of work from a larger project. Videos in the Basecamp Basics Series.

Card Table: Visualize your team's workflow

Card Table is our take on Kanban. It allows teams to visualize tasks that follow multiple steps, like fixing bugs or designing creatives. Pick a task and put it on a card. Once it's ready for its next phase, simply drag it to the next column. Is something holding you on? Move it to the "On hold" section, so it stays in view while you work on something else. Card Table is available to all Basecamp customers.

Discussing Decisions! Card Tables and To-Dos

A raw, unedited conversation between two 37signals' two co-founders, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, about a recent decision they made regarding Card Tables (a new Kanban feature in Basecamp 4) and To-dos. In this video discuss the decision not to allow customers to convert To-do lists or To-do items into Card Tables or Cards. Even thought it's been a top request, they go into the philosophical and practical reasons why they decided against the conversion feature.