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Geckoboard Demo - Dashboards Made for Sharing!

Geckoboard is a quick and easy tool for creating straightforward, real time dashboards for your business. Keep everyone on your team up to speed wherever they're working, with live dashboards that surface your most important data, metrics and KPIs - from sales figures to support tickets, through to marketing campaigns or company-wide goals.

Courier Live: Sending notifications from a Jamstack site

Paul Chin, Jr from Begin joins Aydrian and shows him how to use Begin to stand up a simple website with a form to send to Slack & SMS using Courier. Click "Show More" to jump to key moments in the video. Courier: The smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design once, deliver to any channel with one API. Begin: Effortlessly ship web apps & APIs on AWS

StartingPoint - Service Management Module - September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint - Project Management Module - September 2020

StartingPoint is a fully-customizable service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint Team Performance Management September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint - Administrative Panel - September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

Teamwork Quick Start Guide for Agencies

Getting started in Teamwork is as easy as adding users, creating a project, assigning tasks and logging billable time to create invoices for your clients. This video will walk you through the easy steps you need to take, from adding users, creating a project, getting organized with tasks and logging time as well as creating invoices