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Enhance your Aircall call center dashboards with these 5 other data sources

If you’re a manager using Aircall to power your call center operation, you’ll be no stranger to data. Between Aircall’s own live view of the queue, call Analytics and Analytics+ , there are a whole host of ways to analyse the performance of your sales or support team natively in Aircall. But chances are Aircall data isn't the only data you might need to monitor day-to-day.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing Jira Contractors

For organisations using Atlassian’s Jira project management tool, enlisting expert Jira contractors is often essential for maximising productivity and return on investment. Any tool under the Atlassian umbrella can benefit by having the input and expertise of a specialist in tow, but integrating Jira across an organisation is easier said than done.

How to integrate Aircall and Zendesk data

If you’re a Customer Support Manager using Aircall and Zendesk together, the chances are you need to regularly access data from both platforms. You need call metrics and ticketing metrics to monitor the performance of your team and manage workflows. But also, and probably most importantly, you need your team to see this data. Sharing individual performance motivates them and helps to encourage friendly competition. So can you access both in one place?

The role of technology in enhancing labor efficiency ratios

The search for greater labor efficiency never ends in the fast-paced commercial world of today. This goal is made possible by the ever-changing role of technology in the workplace, which presents previously unheard-of chances to boost output and optimize processes. The article looks at the complicated connection between technological progress and labor efficiency ratios. It uses questions, answers, and examples from real life to show how technology can change things.

How Asana uses Asana to streamline project intake processes

For Jana Beiswenger, Head of Business Program Management at Asana, work intake is hugely cross-functional. Her team focuses on business transformation—in other words, making Asana a more effective organization. To do that she needs to align teams around the right strategic programs and ensure Asana has enough resources to achieve business-critical goals. “My role is about creating the right focus holistically so we can execute as a team.

The role of leadership in fostering team efficiency

It’s impossible to overstate how important good leadership is in today’s fast-paced and very competitive business world. Leadership is what makes team dynamics, attitude, and, eventually, efficiency possible. This piece talks about some leadership styles and strategies that can have a big effect on the work and morale of a team. It also talks about how important leadership is for better team performance.

How To Start A BPO In An All-In-One Guide

Starting a business is not an easy task. It’s full of hard work, anticipation, and more strategies. It can feel like a battle starting from navigating the maze of registering your business, getting permissions, hiring and marketing. But don’t worry! We got you if you want to know how to start a BPO business. We’re here to make your BPO business have a smooth start. Why not start with the basics of the BPO industry now?

Air-gapped collaboration: a must-have for defense and government

Protecting sensitive data is critical, particularly in the defense and government sectors. The defense sector handles sensitive information that, if disclosed, might jeopardize national security. Additionally, Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is becoming big business. So, the digital battleground is just as important as its physical equivalent. One option to ensure safe mission communication is to use a self-hosted, air-gapped environment.

Guide to Physical Annual General Meetings in the Digital Age

Beyond the presentation of financial reports and performance, annual general meetings serve as vital pillars of corporate governance. They serve as a forum where shareholders and stakeholders convene for discussions, dialogues, and decisions crucial to the organisation’s trajectory.