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Key features that make nTask a great meeting tool for workplace collaboration

nTask is a comprehensive task management and collaboration tool that offers a range of features to streamline workplace communication and improve team collaboration. One of the key features that makes nTask stand out as a great meeting tool is its ability to facilitate effective communication during meetings. With nTask, teams can create and share meeting agendas, take real-time meeting minutes, assign action items, and track progress on tasks assigned during the meeting.

Why nTask Is The Ultimate Document Management Service For Project Managers

As a project manager, keeping track of important documents is essential for ensuring that a project runs smoothly and efficiently. With so many documents to manage, from project plans to status reports, it can be a daunting task to keep everything organized and easily accessible. That’s where nTask comes in as the ultimate document management service for project managers.

Why and How to Overcome Procrastination at Work in 2024?

The new year is approaching so are the constant workplace challenges and ever-expanding to-do lists. What is supposed to be the same is our habit of procrastinating. To overcome this challenge, one needs to understand the root issue rather than find a quick fix. In today’s world where clarity is elusive, it is essential to find a tool or framework that makes it easy to accomplish goals.

December 2023 Version Update: Year-End Recap

In December, we’re focusing diligently on technical improvements to further enhance Scoro’s overall performance. With this, we’re getting ready to wrap up 2023 and one thing’s for sure – Scoro is ending the year bigger and better, with a host of new capabilities. We’ve put together a year-end list of key improvements for a quick look back. Are you already making the most out of these updates?

6 best APIs to build in-app chat functionalities

In-app chat API is crucial for businesses seeking to maintain a competitive edge and foster customer loyalty. Without it, companies often risk losing vital customer connections, decreasing engagement and potential revenue losses. In-app chat APIs and SDKs offer real-time, efficient communication, essential for enhancing customer experience and driving business growth.

How to Identify and Improve Employee Inefficiency at Work

Know how wAnywhere #productivitymonitoringsoftware helps identify employee inefficiencies at work. Find out how your remote and hybrid teams work, whether they use frequent breaks or idle time and exceed them, and what non-productive apps and websites they visit. Get a clear picture of how your distributed teams spend the day at work with wAnywhere dashboard visualization.

InvGate Service Desk And Jira Integration: Add a Help Desk to Project Management and Software Development

If your organization already uses Jira for software development or project tracking but lacks a service desk, then this is perfect to have the best of both worlds. The InvGate Service Desk and Jira integration allows you to add a help desk to your Project Management and software development tools in just a few clicks.

The ROI of internal communications: How to build a business case for a modern intranet

This article was originally published on Jan. 19, 2021, and was updated on Nov. 21, 2023. As an internal communicator, you know the value internal comms brings to the table. But can you prove that value to decision makers in your organization — the folks who hold the budget for IC software, tools and services like a modern intranet?