Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


DeskTrack | Hybrid Working | Distributed Teams | Distractions | Losing Transparency

DeskTrack is an employee monitoring and time tracking software that helps to remove distraction as well as helps to improve your productivity. It's user friendly dashboard and it's AWS security make it more impressive to the user. With the quality of product's feature Day by day DeskTrack Increases it's user size right now DeskTrack have 50,000 Users and 1,000 companies. Every Company with DeskTrack they reduce Distraction and increase Productivity.

Board videos, new apps & integrations: Here's what we released in November 2022

This November, we held our annual conference, Distributed ’22, where we shared solutions for collaborating, creating, and innovating in an increasingly digitized and distributed world of work. We also announced some pretty exciting product updates — including Talktrack, Interactive Presentation Mode, and integrations for YouTube, Looker, and Confluence — which will create even better spaces for teams to collaborate and enable new ways of working.

Best 12 Developer Productivity Tools to Use in 2023

Well, to be honest, being busy is not quite the same as being productive, and any seasoned programmer is going to tell you this. You might be active at times, however, it does not always imply that you are being productive. Moreover, there are chances that you might be performing repetitive tasks that might be automated, leading you to become less effective. At the most basic level, productivity refers to the ability to do activities quickly and effectively.

Deliver better EX and minimize tech stack needs with the right intranet platform

The workplace looks different these days and so does the employee experience. Since 2019, we’ve seen remote work grow. In fact, between 2019 and 2021 the number of remote workers tripled. With workers at home, in the office, and on the road companies need to have targeted communication options that accommodate these diverse engagement needs. Technology is supposed to enhance communications, but sometimes it becomes its own monster.

Why Your Board Should Adopt a Centralized Document Repository

The information every board document contains is the cornerstone of an organization and a board’s success. This is why all organizations must place a premium on secure access and storage of their documents. More than a step to keep pace with the demands of the global pandemic, adopting a centralized document repository for your organization signals a positive tread in your digital transformation journey.

10 Miro templates to help your organization achieve its 2023 objectives

As this year winds down, you may be eager to begin or continue planning for the next one. It’s an exciting time that’s filled with brainstorming, bold ideas, and big dreams as you and your team enthusiastically identify all of the possibilities for the coming year. But you also know that you need to balance all of that ambitious fantasizing with some intention, strategy, and organization.