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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Keys to engaging leadership: The ultimate guide and downloadable worksheet to unlock executive engagement

We are always asked about engaging leadership: How do you get your executive and leadership team invested and involved in your intranet? We want to share a few tips and a worksheet you can challenge your executive team to complete.

Technical Communication and Why it Matters in Your Workplace

It’s no secret that the cornerstone of good business practices and processes lies in effective interdisciplinary communication. You want employees from different departments and with varied levels of expertise and experience to be able to engage with one another on a level playing field, rather than there being an imbalance in every interaction.

5 Ways to Make it Simpler to Share Documents with Coworkers

Every organization needs to empower its employees with ways to share mission-critical information with one another. There are lots of ways to go about this and plenty of things to keep in mind when orchestrating and overseeing the sharing process. So stick with us as we go over the how and the why of everything involved for efficient, safe document distribution today.

Top challenges customers face when adopting a new document management system

When Innisfree M&A found out their previous document management platform would be discontinued thanks to a corporate merger, the New York-based stakes shareholder engagement firm knew they needed to act quickly and deliberately to ensure a smooth migration of their valuable data. The lesson Innisfree learned in the process?

Rebuilding trust after layoffs, mergers & acquisitions with Julia Christenson,

This episode features an interview with Julia Christenson, U.S. Employee Experience Chair at Edelman. In this episode, Amanda and Julia discuss the sticky factor of employee experience, the power of employee recognition, and how to establish trust in difficult times.

10 Ways to Boost Workflow Efficiency in Your Office

Is your office productivity falling short? As per IDC's research findings, inefficiency can annually erode a notable 20% to 30% of a company's revenue. The bright side is that you have the capacity to take affirmative action. This article reveals strategies to boost office efficiency, save resources, and consistently achieve outstanding results. Learn to optimize workflow, streamline operations, and enhance productivity. Ready to elevate your office efficiency? Let's dive in.